Here are a couple of pictures of me with Libba Bray and Maureen Johnson. Naturally, my camera battery went dead by the time I got Brent Hartinger's autograph, so no pics of him (his panel on boys reading literature was very interesting, though). My face has been blocked out to protect our readers' sensitive eyes.

You can't really tell from this picture, but Maureen Johnson's dress was super cute. I got a free copy of Suite Scarlett because I was one of the first 20 people there. They also had these cute little Suite Scarlett eye cover thingys (like what you wear to sleep--don't know their technical name).
Now I have soooooooooo many books to read, I hardly know where to begin. Let me tell you one last embarassing story. At 5:00 on Wednesday when the vendors were closing, my coworker and I were casually strolling by the Penguin booth, and I pointed out Oh.My.Gods. to her. The nice Penguin rep said, "Oh, would you like a galley?" "Sure!" we said. Then my coworker noticed Joan Bauer's Peeled and asked if she had any for sale. She didn't, but she did have galleys that she gave us. "What level are you?" she asked us. "High school," we replied. So then she pulled out a couple more ARCs from under the tables. Then she sort of glanced sideways at us and said, "Well, if you're high school level, then you might be interested in this," and she pulled out two copies of Paper Towns. We literally both squealed/screamed with excitement. It was embarassing. And we were giddy.